● Cipriano, Italo; Iommi, Godofredo. Time changes for flows and thermodynamic formalism. Nonlinearity 32. 2848-2874 (2019).
● Iommi, Godofredo; Lacalle, Camilo; Yayama, Yuki. Hidden Gibbs measures on shift spaces over infinite alphabets (To appear in Stochastics and Dynamics).
● Iommi, Godofredo; Todd, Mike; Velozo, Aníbal. Upper semi-continuity of the entropy map in non-compact settings (to appear in Mathematical Research Letters)
● Iommi, Godofredo; Velozo, Aníbal. The Space of invariant measures for countable Markov shifts (to appear in Journal d’Analyse Mathematique).
● Oregón-Reyes, Eduardo. Properties of sets of isometries of Gromov hyperbolic spaces. Groups Geom. Dyn. 12 (2018), no. 3, pp. 889-910
● Oregón-Reyes, Eduardo. The Avalanche Principle and negative curvature (To appear in Mathematische Zeitschrift).
● Velozo, Renato. Characterization of uniform hyperbolicity for fiber-bunched cocycles (To appear in Dynamical Systems – an International Journal).
● Cipriano, Italo; Jurga, Natialia. Approximating integrals with respect to stationary probability measures of iterated function systems.
● Cipriano, Italo; Moore, Ryo. Continuous coboundaries of the product of smooth functions.
● Iommi, Godofredo; Todd, Mike; Velozo, Aníbal. Escape of entropy for countable Markov shifts.
● Iommi, Godofredo; Velozo, Aníbal. Measures of maximal entropy for suspension flows.
● Iommi, Godofredo; Velozo, Aníbal. Pressure, Poincaré series and box dimension of the boundary.
● Kiwi, Jan; Nie, Hongming. Indeterminacy loci of iterate maps in moduli space.
● Lacalle, Camilo; Yayama, Yuki. On Generalized compensation functions for factor maps between shifts spaces on countable alphabets.
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